Cogeneration / Trigeneration /Quadgeneration

Cogeneration (CHP) involves the continuous production of combined heat and power generating electricity and heat simultaneously.

This technology can be further expanded to also provide cooling (trigeneration) and also CO2 capture for greenhouses(Quadgeneration). Enerbi focuses on modular solutions that can result in rapid payoff for domestic and commercial users.

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3 – 10kWe

Enerbi is currently testing and developing new products for application in the Australian market. These products integrate with solar PV and batteries to provide a complete solution for domestic and small commercial installations. The first of these products is a sixth generation Stirling engine that converts biomass into electricity and heat. The other products include small scale gas turbine based systems and ORC/steam based units. These units simultaneously produce electricity and hot water.

50– 300kWe

These systems use specialised turbomachinery, modified Internal Combustion engines or small scale steam turbines to convert biomass into electricity, and have high reliability and low service requirements. This technology can also produce hot water, steam or thermal oil.

We also offer modular pressure reduction turbines that can replace energy-wasting, pressure-reducing valves to generate on-site electricity.

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300kWe – 10MWe

Steam boilers producing superheated steam that drive multi-stage turbines represent the most effective and reliable option for generating power and heat (typically steam and hot water) for industrial scale.

Alternatively, thermal oil furnaces can be used in conjunction with ORC turbines.